
One's a day late, and one's a couple days early, but it's birthday weekend for 2 of my very best girls.

This one's been kicking around a while, and I can't get through a day without talking to her at least 4 times. Thanks for being as big a weirdo as me, and leaving me fantastic messages I always listen to at least twice. (The first time I'm usually laughing.) Here's to many, many more years of watching ridiculous movies and trying to fake our way through the classics.

You might hate this picture, but it sums up some of the best times we've had. Pushing the questions of our burgeoning alcoholism aside, we've never lived in the same city but always manage to stay in touch.I can say anything and you always manage to know exactly what I'm talking about, even when I figure it's such an obscure irritation or love of something that no one could possibly share. We're older, and you're probably wiser, than when we met, but I think the basic idea of 2 awesome girls who love good times has stayed the same.


on repeat

It's old, but it's so good that I don't care.

Welcome Back, Kotter!

Okay. It’s been a while. Backing up, I went to New York and had an amazing time. We walked for days, met some (ahem) interesting people, ate some great food, and saw some really fucking cool shit. (Taco Bell and late night drunken McDonalds aside, of course.) One thing I’d never done before was the NBC studio tour; it was a lot more historical than I thought it would be, but super neat. We saw Brian Williams’ set (!!! See above photo, of course) and checked out the SNL studio, took a ton of cheesy pictures, and accidentally flirted with tour guides. (Sort of accidentally.) This was also when I decided I am officially too old to be doing shots. At 22, I’m hitting that “I’m too old for this shit” Murtaugh stage. Sad? Maybe. But don’t worry; I’m not quite ready to be a responsible grownup yet. A pleasant mid-20s limbo will suit me just fine for the next few years.
Last week – wait, 2 weeks ago – I went out East. It was great to see a bunch of people, but I didn’t get to see everyone I would have liked and even those I did get to see felt a little rushed. Some of my closest friends were unavailable during the only times I could see them (people I know who have kids in Halifax, when I was only free in the evenings because of family and work stuff; people in Moncton who were working nonstop), which sucked. It was bad timing for me to be down there, but family reasons made it the only time I could go and not get yelled at by my mother. Very few people have met her, and those who have are generally unnerved and/or a little scared of her. This afternoon I had a scary dream about her, actually. So I know that the rules dictate I do not cross her. She was already ticked that I wasn’t staying in Chester with her for more than a day, I wasn’t going to risk anymore of that animosity by changing the dates I was coming down to not coincide with her vacation. Like anyone who knows the feeling of having to visit home, it was alternatively stressful, frustrating, pleasant, boring, and filled with days of trying to hide every bad habit I have. I was glad to get home.

Chester, last summer. Pretty. Too quiet.

For the past 6 months or so I’ve been borrowing (yeah, borrowing) internet from my upstairs neighbor. She doesn’t know well enough to lock her network, what does she expect, right? Problem is, now she’s moved to the Bahamas to marry some old friend of hers and work for a windsurfing company or something, and now I need to make a decision about my internet. While this may seem like a simple thing to deal with, I’m completely wrapped up in it. I could get digital cable with a PVR receiver that lets me record shows that I’m out for, and watch them whenever I want. Think of all the Law and Order and Simpsons episodes I can’t download that would become available to me! I’m not a big TV person, in the watching-it-for-lack-of-something-better-to-do sense, but at the same time it’s something I can see being a really fucking enjoyable luxury. Also would decrease the need for me to have super high bandwidth and a large download allowance. I can get this package for roughly the same that I was paying before for basic cable and internet that didn’t even work well with my router, so it’s pretty tempting. On the other hand, I can just get a really high speed connection for probably less money and use that to download whatever I want to watch, which is what I’ve been doing for the past few years anyway. But then there’s news programming, and hockey games, and shows that are un-downloadable. Then there are a bunch of contracts that are involved in all these deals, which is even more confusing. Yeah, this is probably only interesting to me, but if anyone’s got insight I would love to hear about it. I want to make this decision as quickly as possible, because going to the cafĂ© down the street for hours at a time is starting to get old.
I registered for some classes today. I basically went through and quickly registered for anything that looked interesting that had availability. My registration days opened up back in April, but I couldn’t finish paying off my tuition from last semester until the end of July so I couldn’t go for anything. I know I really need to get a bunch of prerequisites out of the way, but I also want to really think about if I should switch my degree from English and history to just history. Today I downloaded the requirements, I think I remember what credits I have, and I’ll see what I can do in the least amount of time. As it is, I think I might have some interesting classes if I can stick with some of the current choices. Maybe a shitty schedule, but whatever. I’m also thinking of getting more work – I know that part of the reason I completely lost interest last semester is that I just wasn’t busy enough. I’m used to working part/full-time, going to school full time, and keeping myself busy; when I don’t, I get totally lethargic (and stop using words like lethargic, opting for 2 syllables or less). I think the number of semicolons in this show my renewed enthusiasm in being productive and not as brain dead. I hope it works.
Ooh. Back to TV, it’s Mad Men day! Season 3 starts tonight. Tomorrow morning I’ll be at the Concordia library by 8:30 to find a streaming link and watch. If it’s anything like last night, I’ll be passed out by 9:30. PARTY.
(Posting this morning, that is exactly what happened.)


I'm pretty sure 2/3 of the people who check this were on this trip, but still.

That is Meredith's fancy picture from the Brooklyn Bridge; I had a dead camera and a fear of bridges, so I didn't go up as far as they did. Even though it rained for the first day, we had an amazing time. I drank too much and enjoyed the company of random cowboys, but still had a blast. One of the best birthdays ever.
I leave for Halifax tomorrow morning at 11. I'm trying to get to the airport via the STM for the first time ever, because I totally don't trust it, but since I leave hideously early anyway I figure I'll be okay. I'm leaving my house at 7:40 to get to the airport by (theoretically) 9:04, which leaves an hour for fuck-ups on my end and on the metro/bus' end as well.
I'm totally going to do the 5 favorite places thing, but I think I'm going to wait until I'm on the plane tomorrow. Or in the airport, I hear they're fancy and have electrical outlets these days. For now, I need to get cash to pay my rent and probably do 8 million loads of laundry and dishes so my apartment isn't super depressing at messy when I come home next week. What will help get this party started?

(I don't know, it got in my head earlier and now I can't stop. And this is the only decent video that I can embed, sorry for the shitty quality/random editing of "questionable" language.)