I had a birthday! It was full of happiness and fun. I started with breakfast with Karley, which was awesome.com and came with AMAZING presents:

That's my Star Trek Comm Badge pin. I also got wicked velociraptor earrings that were made by Autumn. And a shapely cocktail shaker, so we can have (can has?) girly drinks and parlour games nights. After breakfast I went on a little shopping excursion, resulting in more credit card charges than I'd planned on, but hey. It was my birthday. I'm allowed. I got a very sweet message from my darling Scottish grandfather. Ellen came over for hangouts and brought me a lolcats cake!
She also gave me a classy, profesh umbrella! Pretty in Pink. Oh, and practical. I love a little umbrella alliteration.
In other news, I'm moving soon. This week has been moving prep time. I get my new apartment on Friday, technically; I'm actually moving in around the 15th-18th. I'm going to do this place right, with a fresh coat of girly paint and nicely arranged furniture. I head to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Friday night with my friend Scott, and I'll be sure to take lots of driving-all-night pictures again. In fact, I'll probably do it just to stay awake. I'm counting on Scott passing out around 3, which will leave me on the road in the dark alone for at least 3 hours. If anyone has keeping-me-awake music ideas, hook me up.
I napped for a couple hours this afternoon, which I'm choosing to interpret as my body preparing for the drive. In reality, I actually did some moving preparation and packing this morning, and it tired me out.
I've started writing letters again, and I'm going to go back to one of them now. Sleep tight.
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