The VKNGS/Establishment show on Saturday night was great. Ben was here from Toronto, so we had a nice little reunion. Leah and I rocked my dinosaur earrings for a while. You know, good times.
There's been a bit of family quality time, and a lot of my dad and his wife leaving and assuming I'll watch the kids. That's what's going on right now; I'm watching my brother play MarioKart while they're out getting groceries (it's been over 3 hours, so I'm assuming they've gone to the grocery store in Truro).
I'm going to visit my mom and her husband tomorrow, and I'm sure I'll take a million pictures since I'll have nothing else to do. I started reading The Castle by Kafka - I'll have a report in by the end of the week.
It has rained nonstop since I arrived Friday morning. Here's hoping it clears up, even just for a day.
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