For the record, it was 8:47 when I left the house. Shame, shame. But, in my defense, I forgot that I needed to put out the garbage before I left, and I also had to kill a scary spider.
Last night I kept trying to just turn off the lights and watch tv until I got tired enough to turn it off and fall asleep. The most annoying thing kept happening to interrupt me, however - there was a lone mosquito flying around my apartment. Whenever the lights were on, I couldn't see it. When the lights went out, it immediately buzzed around in front of the television. This, of course, just strengthened my resolve to kill the goddamn thing. Every time I saw it, I jumped up from the couch and switched the light back on. It's like it had an invisibility cloak, or chameleon powers or something. What a piss-off. It probably sucked a pint of blood while I was sleeping, the bastard. I saw him again this morning, but (again) had no luck in ending its miserable life. Balls.
I got a phone call from an old friend from Chester at 3:20 this morning. I wanted to tear his head off, because the reason he was calling was to tell me that he was in Montreal (which I knew, from the 4 text messages he'd sent me earlier in the evening) and to say "uhhh... so what's up? wanna hang out?" Three o'clock. C'mon.
I have yet to call him back, but I will before the end of today. I've got a good Today List going, actually. One thing I can cross off? That's right, the garbage. Awesome.
I broke down and did 2 loads of laundry last night. Surprisingly, I think I only have 3 more loads to do before everything's clean again. The laundromat is 3 blocks West of my apartment, and fortunately across the street from Burritoville (home of amazing homemade nacho chips and delicious burritos) and practically next door to my favourite neighborhood bar. Oh, the good times I'll have! I just have to make sure I don't forget about the laundry altogether after eating and drinking for a while. Hmm. Potential problems ahead.
Time to do some theoretical law conundrum reading. I know there was something else I wanted to comment on, but for now I'll just throw out a few worthwhile links.
Cover story on John McCain, just because we haven't done one in a while. (The Onion, my favourite news source)
Some interesting quirks and superstitions, inspired by a twitter post.
Feeling that election fever and want to vote for something RIGHT NOW? How about Don Levandier's Hockey Night Theme? Trust me, it's awesome.
Another favourite Onion story: Pedophile Nervous for First Day of School.
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