At any rate, when I checked tmn that night there was a new profile story up on Dmitri Nabokov, son of Vladimir. The title? I Will Sing When You're All Dead. I meant to read it that night when I got home, but I just got around to it this morning. It's fascinating, detailed, and well-written. If you have a few minutes you should read it. Even if you're not a Nabokovophile (I just made that one up, but it's pretty awesome, right?) like me.
Some other great TMN articles that I've particularly enjoyed over the past little while, if you're so inclined:
Henry Rollins and the Emergence of Hardcore
Boats We Missed, by the tmn writers
The Non-Expert: Is He Cute, or Is He British?
TNE:Today We Learn About Canada
And Great Lyrics Quiz Rock Roll The (these are classic songs with the words of the lyrics listed in alphabetical order, and you've got to figure out the song... some are easy, some are ridiculous. try it.)
This morning, I'm ostensibly cleaning my apartment like mad. In reality, I'm watching The Little Mermaid. Don't worry, I'm planning on fast-forwarding through the scary parts. Sebastian's kind of a douche; I'd forgotten about that.

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