Do yourself a favor and buy this record. My friend Anna introduced me to this band last year, when we went to New York to see them play with Against Me! and Ted Leo & the Pharmacists. The band's live show is fucking electric. I don't think I've ever been that taken with an artist or group on a first listen before. I've gotten pretty lazy about music in the past couple years; I still listen to my favorite albums from 5 years ago, and only buy records from bands I know that I'd like to support or records I know I'm going to love because I've already heard 'em before. Luckily, I have audiophile friends who push great music on me and some of that great music naturally enters into my collection. Some people might know part of the band from Mclusky, a band I'd never heard of until trying to understand where the hell FotL came from. The album's aggressive and a little odd, but completely worth listening the whole way though (and the whole way through a second, and third, time).
Here's Future of the Left on Myspace if you're curious.
Edit: here's the video for The Hope That House Built. I don't get it, but I still like it.
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