it's ok to have scars, they will make you who you are
it's ok to have fear, as long as you're not scared of going here
and in the middle of the night just call if you wanna talk
because you know that I'll want to talk too
it's not bad if you two think of what might go wrong
but you can't blame me for secretly hoping that I'll prove you wrong
it's ok that I pray that you will miss your flight
and have to stay with me for one more night
it is brutal, it's brutal why can't you see
it's brutal, it's brutal, where have you been
because we're far apart and my lonely heart finds it hard to get through the night
I've been listening to this song almost on constant repeat for the past day. Here's the Last.FM link, and here's their myspace if you want to listen to it. I heard it in a great scene from the Chuck season finale and I totally had tears in my eyes by the end of it (yeah, I'm sappy and get emotional at well-crafted television scenes. whatever.). Pretty. They're playing here in August, and I want to go.
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