Then I will try and find a job, because that is something I have control over.
/rant. Sorry, this isn't supposed to be some whiny wah-wah-wah livejournal type bullshit blog, but sometimes I need an outlet.
In other news, I found out about this film today. William Shatner stars in the only full-length, completely Esperanto film ever made? SOLD. If anyone knows where I can find this movie, please please PLEASE let me know. Props to NPR's Wait Wait..Don't Tell Me for keeping my head filled with useless trivia and current events stories every week. If you're a podcast type person, I'd highly recommend it. It has its slow moments, but for the most part it's totally worthwhile. Plus, it reminds you of news you missed and gives you some great little anecdotal news stories to pass out at parties and awkward gatherings.
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