OK, so, I go on writer kicks. Most of the time it's actual writers - Palahniuk, Salinger, FItzgerald - but now it's a new one. TV writers! Right now there's a profoundly sad scene going on in an episode of The West Wing, which made me want to distract myself with something. And since I just finished a medium level of sudoku in 2:04, I felt this was the best place to put it.
I always loved The American President, since it came out in theatres in 1995 and my dad took me to see it. (No, I didn't get a lot of it then, but I still liked it.) It's one of those "always on TV" movies that I get a little excited about, even though I have it on DVD. More than one copy. Then I heard all about how great The West Wing is, but... well, I didn't think it'd be good enough for 13 year old me to enjoy. Now? Love. Love love love. I've burned through 3 seasons in about a month. I watched Studio 60 out of curiosity, and because I think Bradley Whitford is awesome. Now I just can't get enough. I know it's a completely idealized liberal white house setting in the West Wing, but whatever. It's fucking television. Isn't that the point? Some of it's too emotional, and some of it's just ludicrous, but it's damn enjoyable. Way to go, Sorkin. Way to go. If you're into ridiculous melodramatic white house shenanigans, it will also be for you.
Oh, and Oral Roberts died. I'd say finally, but I guess that's disrespectful. Good for him for believing in something, even if it was offensive and frustrating.