I jumped on the twitter bandwagon! I was bored the day I left Montreal for Moncton, and instead of doing something productive I decided to explore a new avenue of social networking websites. For those who are also on there, I recommend this article by Margaret Mason, "14 ways to use Twitter politely." Ahh, The Morning News. You never fail me.
When I was in Moncton, I bought a lottery ticket for the first time in my life. Now I'm sort of addicted to it. Gambling: it's a problem! The person who got me into it is now my enabler. We go and buy $20 of tickets for each 649 draw and agree to split the winnings. I'm doing my babysitting-in-exchange-for-free-laundry tonight, so I'll have nothing to do but check the winning numbers and watch hockey. PARTY! Time to think winning thoughts.

Roll Credits

After almost a week in Moncton, it's time to head on home. I was thinking this morning, and I realized that there are certain events and places I frequent pretty much every time I'm here:
A Motorleague show
The market on Saturday to get noodles and giant coffee
Another random show (this time, the Tireless Sedans)
A strange afterparty
Random bouts of cleaning someone's house/apartment, just because it's fun to play music and clean things, really
Zen Garden (today with Kate and Christine)
Breakfast breakfast breakfast - this time, Jean's twice
Ordering in random (sometimes sketchy) pizza

Delicious! My list for next visit includes the Barnyard BBQ (sorry Kate), Crystal Palace for sweet pirate mini golf, a wedding (my own?) and Big Stop breakfast. Everyone here made this an amazing 6 days (especially since it was supposed to be 3). I spent time with people I don't usually get to hang out with, and got to have lots of time with the people I love. It makes me miss this place and the maritimes a ton, but at the same time I can't wait to get back home. Also, I'm still worried that I left my stove on before I left. SURPRISE!


I spent a lot of my time on the internet.
a lot.
This has made me an expert at several things, the most prominent being time-wasting. I have a list of websites that I can always go to whenever I want something funny/interesting/stupid to read (hello, Craigslist missed connections). Here are a few of my new favourites:
Sorry-Mom.com, aka "I bang the worst dudes." We've all been there. Pissed off or amused readers send in pictures of the ones that got away, and in hindsight make you ask yourself, "Huh. What the FUCK was I thinking." Seriously, I've had to think long and hard before deciding if I was going to enter anything in here. There have been a few charmers in the past several years that I'm pretty fucking glad I have nothing to do with anymore. Here's a little sample, in case you're too lazy to navigate over there: "This special guy unexpectedly invited his overweight elderly lesbian friend out on our date. When I said no to his threesome suggestion, he banged her instead, later describing it as “diving into a giant unattractive bag of marshmallows.” Here’s hoping he lasted more than three mediocre minutes with her." Wow.
List of the Day has, by far, the most potential to ruin your day. I say that with love, because it's hella entertaining and frequently updated. I don't really get who updates it, but I know it's a dude in the movie/tv business in some way. I never watch all the youtube clips, but I love some of the lists (13 Movies I'll Never Watch Unless You Kill Me And Prop My Lifeless Corpse In Front Of A TV, 6 Signs That You're In A Bad Third Movie Installment). Besides, yesterday I *did* watch the "Don't you put it in your mouth" PSA and felt very nostalgic.
Onesentence.org simply states "true stories, told in 1 sentence." I found this site through LotD (above) and I think it's brilliant. Sometimes super funny, sometimes incredibly sad or thought-provoking. A few highlights:
-My best friend of nine years still won't let go of the time I accidentally pushed her in front of a taxi before ripping her out of the way.
-I believe the monkey who jacks off outside my window will miss me when I move.
-Today I saw a chicken walking up 9th Avenue and, being very tired, he sat down on a metal door in the sidewalk beside a couple of Mexican guys.
-When I was 5 or so my mom would tell me to lie down before she tied my tie and I just now realized at the age of 19 that she did this because she's a funeral director.
-As you were breaking up with me, all I could think about were those mornings when you compared the Pop-Tarts and gave me the one with more frosting.
-The worst thing about secret girlfriends is that when they get hit by cars you're not supposed to cry.
-I waited for him to hit me, instead he replied, "She'll probably cheat on you too."

Now, as we all know, I have a habit of writing these posts when I should be something else. On that note, I'm supposed to be heading out - possibly, weather-dependent - on a road trip today. I am not packed. I am not dressed. My apartment has not been straightened up. My teeth are brushed, but I'm pretty sure I want more coffee. We're supposed to leave in an hour and 15 minutes if all is on time, and I'm supposed to be meeting everyone else downtown. That would take about... 30-40 minutes, especially in this weather. Maybe I should get going, huh?