I jumped on the twitter bandwagon! I was bored the day I left Montreal for Moncton, and instead of doing something productive I decided to explore a new avenue of social networking websites. For those who are also on there, I recommend this article by Margaret Mason, "14 ways to use Twitter politely." Ahh, The Morning News. You never fail me.
When I was in Moncton, I bought a lottery ticket for the first time in my life. Now I'm sort of addicted to it. Gambling: it's a problem! The person who got me into it is now my enabler. We go and buy $20 of tickets for each 649 draw and agree to split the winnings. I'm doing my babysitting-in-exchange-for-free-laundry tonight, so I'll have nothing to do but check the winning numbers and watch hockey. PARTY! Time to think winning thoughts.