
So, uh, I realized that my frantic random posting style may be more suited to a tumblr-style deal, made-up-word and all. I don't know yet. But I started one up, just to see how it goes.. if you want, you can check it out. No pressure, no pressure.
Here's my basic reasoning. I've lately been using this as more of a random picture, thought, quote, video spot. Which is all good, but I feel like blogger layouts are more about real insightful posting, whereas tumblr is for kids with add. Then I started actually checking out the uses of a tumblr blog. You can post songs (well, upload a song a day) and videos and quotes and other pretentious things that I kinda like. I'm going to give it a shot for a while, see if it makes me happy. If not, fuck it. If so, I'll probably keep this blog kicking around for proper post purposes (and amazing alliteration, apparently). If y'all know anything about tumblr, hit me up!

...and the nerds shall rejoice

(c'mon, he's sooooo good lookin' that he doesn't even need to sneeze for me to tell him so.)
Sir Patrick Stewart!
Favorite headline so far: "Make it sir!"

Want want want

Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Helen Hunt's sweet dinosaur hair clips. This movie is also awesome for the line "Velcro. Next to the walkman and TAB, it is the coolest invention of the 20th century."

This movie's stars are billed as Helen Hunt and Sarah Jessica Parker. I think they left this amazing hat off the credits, which is an abomination.

The Noble Sprout

I've gotten a little more into brussels sprouts lately. Since Christmas, I've had them at dinner 4 times. (That's in a week.) Trying new ways of cooking them to make them go with everything... next goal = brussels sprout pasta! Maybe with bacon?
In other food-related news, I made the best vegetarian broccoli soup I've ever made yesterday. If I like you, and you love broccoli and cheese, I might hook you up. It's stellar.
I had a nice week or so in Halifax, a couple great days in Moncton, and a couple days at my mother's on the south shore. (Also: why does Moncton come up as misspelled every time I write it, and why isn't it a recognized city for me to check the weather on my ipod?) I got a lot of lovely things, and I saw even more lovely people... not nearly everyone I would have liked, but I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with some of my favorite East coasters.
Today has been all about sleeping, staying in pyjamas, and eating (...brussels sprouts). I'm going to watch Wet Hot American Summer and hope to be in bed by 10.
Resolutions are bullshit. Why do people bother?

...and I don't feel any different

So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For self-assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions