May the Fourth be with you

That's right. I Star Wars punned the date. But it IS Star Wars day, so you can't really blame me. But guess what? It's also the beginning of what is, unofficially, Star Trek WEEK, so this post is dedicated to the hotness that is Star Trek:TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and even that sometimes-trainwreck Enterprise. So, if you want to get a little taste of ST madness, read this article from the geniuses at AV Club. It's called "Space-racism is bad: And 17 other not-so-subtle lessons learned from Star Trek." I'm pretty stoked about it. If that's not enough for you, here's a link to yesterday's Cake Wrecks post, featuring awesomely well-crafted Star Trek deliciousness.
I'll update with a few more Trekkish favourites over the next few days, until I head to Moncton on Thursday. I'm pretty stoked for that trip, for a variety of reasons, but mostly to have hugs and eat noodles with Kate and CM.


kayeffdee said...

right meow.