Time to move.

This morning at ten after five, the fire alarm in my building went off. No big surprise, it's happened a few times in the past year. What's kind of sad is that no one even pays attention to it anymore. I went to the landing once, and there were three other people there, out of what must be at least 50 people in the building. My policy since then has been to stick my head out the door, and if it smells or seems smoky then I get on out. If not, it's back to whatever I was doing in the first place. Not today, of course, since that was sleeping, and it's hard to sleep when it's almost time to get up anyway (and there's a blaring alarm going off about 10 feet away). I spent the time watching an episode of extras, and I was juuuust about to go back to sleep for an hour or two when the alarm went off again. It just stopped, and now the trains are starting up, so I think it's pretty well shot for tonight. Sorry, this morning.


Unknown said...

Man, we had one of those this morning. I'm actually quite good at going back to sleep, though, and I've finally given up on the idea that it might be a real fire, so I don't even check the hallway or anything. Which means that if the building really catches on fire, I'll probably die. C'est la vie, eh.